Webinar Reminder, PIM Timeline Update, and New Project Funding Resources Available
Program stakeholders and potential project managers should attend the upcoming PIM Overview webinar on Thursday, November 21st at 12:30 PM. During the webinar, the program administration team will go over policy changes that reflect the most recent Commission Order, updates to the PIM, and the pre-certification launch timeline. Register here for the November 21st webinar.
The PIM will be published on the Oregon Community Solar Program website and the UM 1930 docket in early December. This version will be available for public comment which can be submitted through the docket. The PIM will be reviewed at the OPUC public meeting on December 17th.
The webinar will also include information on the Energy Trust of Oregon’s new incentive offering to support early development activities of small and public/nonprofit-led projects participating in the Oregon Community Solar Program. If you have questions about the incentive, contact the Energy Trust solar program or call 1.866.368.7878.
Please send your Oregon Community Solar Program questions, comments and feedback to: [email protected].