Low Income Recruitment Penalty Proposal Released

The Oregon Public Utility Commission recently approved Commission Order 20-387, which temporarily waives, for 12 months, the requirement in the Oregon Community Solar Program Implementation Manual that a Project Manager must subscribe 10% of a project’s capacity to low income customers prior to certification, and instead requires Project Managers to meet the project’s low-income subscription requirement within 12 months after project certification, or be subject to a penalty.

Per the Commission Order, PUC Staff requests stakeholder comment and feedback on the proposed penalty. The penalty proposal is linked here, will be posted to the ORCSP website, and will be posted to the UM 1930 docket.

Please send all comments to [email protected] no later than January 28, 2021. Be advised stakeholder comments will be posted to the UM 1930 docket and the ORCSP website.

Questions can be directed to Kacia Brockman, [email protected].

Thank you,
Program Administrator

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